Modified Lay-Up Game (1 &2)

Tactical Problem: Maintaining posession of the ball while using only lay-ups to score a basket.

Skill Development: Using proper footwork and driving knee up while performing a lay-up.

Teaching Points: 


On the ball movements

  • Keeping posession of the ball.
  • Using open space to drive to the basket.
  • Use proper technique for a lay-up.

Off the ball movements

  • Keeping between opponent and basket.
  • Defending basket while trying to gain posession of the ball.


  • Driving knee up in order to gain height while doing a lay-up.
  • Use proper footwork approach to the hoop when doing a lay-up.
  • Drive outside knee up, along with the same arm up, when student reaches basket.
  • Visualize knee and elbow being attached by an 'elastic band.'


Organizational Points: 
  • Students are organized into 4 teams of 5-7 players per team.
  • Divide court in half so that two games can be played at the same time.
  • Baskets count only if they were scored using a lay-up.


  • Establish rule that there must be three passes before a lay-up is scored.
  • In a co-ed class, one girl must touch the ball before basket is scored.
